When you call Speedy's Plumbing Heating Service you are hiring a local plumber one that's been plumbing and drain cleaning in New York for over years. We know how to keep clogged drains clear and have years of experience cleaning drains so they don't back up at the when you have visitors. Areas where blockages can frequently occur are in the main sewer drain, in the fixture trap, in the sharp bends and direction changes of the underground drain pipes, those flat horizontal kitchens sink drains that keep backing up the bottom apartment, and even in the main sewer line. Our experienced plumbing technicians will find the cause of the sewer drain problem and have the experience to advise you on the best possible solution to resolve the problem.
We have every drain cleaning machine from large machines to handle the main sewer drain to smaller electric powered hand snake for a kitchen sink or bathtub clog. |